Sunday, April 29, 2007

Dell No Supported Web Cam

Home: How to find what you are looking for!

find this Weblog you MA5 materials to the module or course unit LE24 project Moderately work. In the following ways you can go to the individual categories and entries, and again return to the Home:
  • Click branches of the Mind Map to go to the different sections.
  • Click the gray tags in the sidebar on the right to go to specific entries.
  • Click on the small gray triangle in the margin to the home page.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Gay Cruise Spots 08620

echo / feedback

The lesson material website "Project work in Social Education" is already in the 4th Year and recorded rain visit. The statistics of visits (more ... ) records the number of page views, but why and how to benefit visitors to the website.

feedback are therefore undesirable. The following topics of interest: How did you find easy to project? Why is it easy project for you interesting or useful? What suggestions regarding presentation, clarity on content activities make you want?

leaving any feedback, comment, an opinion, a suggestion, by clicking on the word "comments" and follow the instructions! Thank you!
entry last updated on 1 June 2009.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Polaris Indy Suspension Adjust

Well said!

theory and practice
theory without practice is hollow, practice without theory is blind.
(Peter Labudde in E ducation 2 / 2007, Official Journal of Education of Canton Bern)
There is nothing so practical as a good theory - And not theoretical as good practice.
(Part 1: Kurt Lewin as well as both Immanuel Kant ascribed Part 2: www.didaktik from )
grows with the knowledge of the doubt.
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet, 1749 - 1832)

tired makes us work that we leave, not that we do.
(. Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, writer, Austria, 1830 - 1916)
"I do not think it makes sense not to work. I do not think it has something for themselves to be unproductive. Life is more fun when you do something "
(Jamie Johnson born 1979, youngest son of the owners of the billion Johnson & Johnson). (Source: Interview in NZZ Folio 06/2007)

project work
First's remember, then start's
Who wants to build high towers, has to stay long at the foundation
(Anton Bruckner, German composer, 1824 - 1869)..
Every success has his story. Every success has its beginning.
(From a Bosch / Scintilla-job advertisement, December 2008, "The Covenant")
experience shows that the beginning was the hardest.
(origin unknown)

I have learned so much from my mistakes that I was considering, or make some more.
(Lapel button, located in Brighton, England)

project management
If doctors would make as many mistakes as project manager, they should go to prison.
(found in Schelle, Heinz (2004). Projects to succeed ISBN 05 888 3423 9)
There is no drama if the project does not go according to plan. It is a drama, when the project manager knows nothing about it.
(Peter Hobbs)

If you do not know your goal is not the right way.
"Let's start with the simple measures! Then we notice the objectives already determined again!"
(text from a cartoon, author unknown)

who missed the first buttonhole, comes with the buttoning not to the edge.
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet, 1749 - 1832)
"How should I approach the future, if I stick to the neck in daily business?"
(IBM Billboard, 2006)
If there is no consensus on the fundamentals, it is meaningless to forge together plans.
Plan the work and work the plan. - Plan the work and work from the plan.
(origin unknown)
People do not plan to fail. Instead they fail to plan. - People do not plan to fail. They fail in planning.
(origin unknown)
The time you invest in planning, you can save in the implementation.
(project management wisdom)
When planning your head makes you look dirty beim Ausführen die Hände! do
(HP Gächter)

out who must lead .
(From the Theme-Centered Interaction TZI by Ruth Cohn)
Who will need to deal with their own and others' feelings.
(From the Theme-Centered Interaction TZI by Ruth Cohn)
One can understand the importance of a leadership role only when they have themselves taken once.
(Marlo Morgan: "Dream Catcher" 1995, Munich. Goldmann)

Structured It works
need recipes - no recipe really helps .
(Ruth Cohn, founder of TCI, transmitted orally)

Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success. - Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success.
(Henry Ford I, 1863 - 1947, founder of the Ford car factory)

project management
If nothing works, there's nothing to control.
(origin unknown)

an enthusiasm
2 confusion
3 disillusionment
4 panic
5 Search for the guilty
six punishing the innocent
seven award of bystanders
8 destruction of all remaining documents useful
(various sources, including: Berner, Hans: Didactic competence Bern. Haupt, 1999)

project products
What is a "banana product"? - A product that matures at the customer.

Before ye dispute, clarify the terms.
on target instead of talking this weekend!

It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech. - I usually need more than three weeks of preparation, to maintain a good impromptu speech.
(Mark Twain, 1835 - 1910)
Who's not to say it does not need to present it.
(origin unknown)

quotes on
Rich collection of quotes on
English collection of quotations on

to this entry you can leave a comment.

entry last updated on 1 November 2010.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Get Rid Of Swelling Fast For Wisdom


Responsible for the design and content of these websites:
Marc Schweizer
Strasse 21 CH - 3098 Köniz

The pages under " EasyProject " have been brought up November 2005. They are not official website of the professional, technical and training school BFF Bern, but a personal initiative. It is to be tried, as can be simple and free offers to use the Internet useful to supplement teaching.

The content be written in good faith, carefully reviewed and updated as needed. An absolute accuracy can not be guaranteed. Sources used are given.

Links be periodically on their contents, reviews its timeliness and its function, in this fast moving of the Web and its content, it can happen that do not work links. Useless links that may be notified by mail to the e-mail - Contact perfect [point] projects [at] yahoo [dot] com .

for the realization of this teaching accompanying website offers free be used:

The blog offers of Blogger ( ), part of the Google empire, was due to the freedom of advertising and the ease of operation selected.
Some photos are embedded in the photo website Flickr (, which is part of the Yahoo empire hosted.
The icons are used here and there a free offer from .
The built-Counter is a free service provided by Statcounter ( ).

The counter that lists the origin of visitors, is a free service of Flagcounter ( ).

The visits to this blog be counted since November 2006. Between November 2006 and December 2010, in 4 years, was on the weblog 20,000 times. The chart shows the number of visits per month. Existence since the number of visitors happily take steadily increasing.

visitors to come mostly from the German-speaking , ie, from Switzerland, Germany and Austria, but besides from around the world . lists with the following flags since 1 June 2010 Visitors to each country, of which at least was a visit.

free counters

Interestingly, is one of the most visited of those entries on reflection !
entry last updated on 15 January 2011.

Pmsdischarge What Is It Like

Easy Project "subscribe" to RSS Popper

you can effortlessly over the contents of easy project (as well as other blogs and websites) to keep up by installing on your computer called a feed reader . This is a small program that detects changes on the designated websites you and showing you. Such feed reader is integrated into current web browser (eg Internet Explorer 7) and also as separate programs, one of them is RSS Popper Whose properties and uses are described below.

RSS Popper is very convenient for users who manage their mail traffic in principle with Outlook . While you download your mail or send to pick you up at the same time and without further interference of the notifications of new content from your chosen websites on your computer. When you edit your mail, however in principle via the website of your mail account provider and log in to your personal email account, RSS Popper not is the appropriate feed reader for you.

how it works, if you set up the RSS Popper :
Every time you download your mail with Outlook or send occurs automatically in the background RSS Popper in action. The program is found using "feeds" firm, in which the web pages that you have specified, modifications occurred. These notes are collected and in a separate Outlook folder called "RSS" folder - are analogous to e-mails in the Inbox "folder. You can open and read it, and delete after reading your own. Unread messages appear in bold letters, read in standard font. Restriction: RSS Popper recognizes only newly created blog entries, while changes and updates to existing posts not display.

RSS Popper is a simple application: Rasch downloaded (only about 0.5 MB in size!) And install, easy to use, in German. It integrates into Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Outlook Express or Windows Mail (the successor to OE for the Vista operating system). It works under Windows operating systems 2000, XP and Vista. The latest version is 0.37d of 10 July 2008; it exists for MS Outlook 2000, XP, 2003 and 2007 and for Outlook Express 6 and Windows Mail. Requires the. NET Framework 2.0, which we previously also from the Microsoft website ( ) must download and install. The installation routine of RSS Popper asks you if necessary to do so.

How to install RSS Popper

first Go to , click on download and then upload that's right for your Outlook version of RSS Popper to your hard drive a directory of your choice.
Go to this directory and double-click the newly downloaded file.
Follow the installer to complete installation.
Restart Outlook. After a few moments in Outlook under the existing menu bar a new toolbar with three buttons "RSS Popper", "update", "RSS is ON" (or "RSS is OFF") is created. You will also find the folder tree in the left column of the Outlook screen, a new folder called "RSS". The German language has been set automatically. The 3 buttons on the toolbar

After pressing the button "RSS Popper" are 3 submenus Access: Edit
feeds ... allows you to create a list of feeds you should query RSS Popper. As you proceed, you will be explained below.
options ... allows you RSS Popper to configure in detail. Make sure the only enabled that on the General tab, the first 3 boxes, the last is disabled. Another is usually not necessary.
About ... shows you the version number and the website of the author of RSS Popper. Press the Update button, you call on RSS Popper, again to search for feeds (you must be online).
Pressing the button RSS is ON turn RSS Popper from temporarily and then goes to the button is OFF RSS .

To subscribe to the feed of EasyProject

first Start Outlook if it is not yet open.
second Make sure you are online (open connection to the internet).
third Click the button RSS Popper and then the Edit submenu feeds ...
4th In the window that opens, click the button New>> and then on the submenu RSS / Atom feed ...
5th In the window that opens, type in the first line: . Then click the OK button . RSS Popper supplemented from on the 2nd Line of the web page title "Project work in Social Education." Click OK again to and return to the previous window.
6th Click the Apply button , then click OK . The window is closed.
7th Now press the button update (you must still be online!). Innovations are now being searched and then stored in a subfolder of the RSS. There you can open and view the innovation as an e-mail and then delete it.

To subscribe to the RSS feed of Popper (and thereby remain on the RSS updates Poppers oriented)

first To do exactly the same steps described above, except: On the first line: in

RSS Popper Web:

entry last updated on 30 July 2008.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Best Coaxial Cable For Hdtv

video about the project "Three Roses Charity Gala Dinner"

videos on projects in the social education showing not only that, finally and at last developed project product, but also the methodical management or project management from A to Z, are rare. can give here is a current, which impulses to the regular project work and for teaching in the module MA5 or in the learning unit 24 is:

The video documentary
(80 ') with the sonorous title "With juicy plums stuffed veal ..." on a project in spring 2008 in youth club "Three Roses" in Basel was performed, showing a project management from project initiation to project execution good three and a half months later. Woven into the chronology, several interviews with young participants who have their socialization, identity and life on the subject. The film will show not just a project, but also a youth is quite different from the reputation that precedes it, and the importance of social services such as the youth club "Three Roses" the other for countless like this is.

The project included the implementation a gala dinner for 25 invited prominent guests at the youth club "Three Roses" . Around 30 young people were responsible for the preparation of an exclusive multi-course menus, a professional service and a rich cultural program. The proceeds of the gala dinner was provided to a water aid project in Zimbabwe is available. Distant memories of the project / film a little of Jamie Oliver's (much bigger) project "Jamie's Kitchen," which was shown some years ago in a documentary on RTL II 7 pieces.

The video takes a positive set young people (Most of them with cultural roots outside Switzerland), who are willing to commit to one thing, and motivated professionals in the Social Education and Socio-Cultural Animation in focus. More in the background is the project methodology. Nevertheless, the film many give suggestions on the methodological implementation of projects .

The film is suitable for use in the training of social workers and social workers.

The video is plus for Fr 28.00. Fri 4:00 shipping on
the Basel Freizeitaktion available on DVD (in order by e-mail

last updated 29 May 2009.