Pauker - Lernkarteisoftware
Recommendation: ***** - Excellent for students who like to impress upon the knowledge of the screen.
for all operating systems. Requires Java. German.
Pauker (current Version 1.6.1) is not designed specifically for the project. Pauker is a sophisticated software that supports the memorization. Operation can be learned in no time. Pauker an electronic flashcard remember that you know is that must be learned by heart, is to systematically and efficiently - especially of course designed to learn the languages, but may be used for other learning tasks at a profit. The flash cards you create yourself, before you start practicing with it. Pauker is an open source software that is freely available on the web. Further details on .
The Java Runtime Environment (JRT) can be downloaded on demand from .
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entry last updated on 4 December 2006.
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