Hellas, ouzo and a seminar
It's been a while since my last entry so it is time to report what happened since everything is. Yes, there was some new crazy ideas, take part in particular one, and a creative writing seminar in the Peloponnese!
is also the story at least as crazy as I ever came out. OK you have to say beforehand, since the I started to travel, my diary was always there. Even then, on the Camino de Santiago in Spain and up to my last tour in the summer, and it will be on all future tours. I am also fascinated by language in the form of books since my earliest childhood, and so it was only a matter of time before I would spend sometime the courage and confidence to find out if in me a talent, a gift puts something to get exciting and creative on a white sheet?
And this opportunity came to me then, met in the form of an email from a friend that I made last year as a result of joint travel plans. It was only a "How are you, what about" email, We had not heard a few months of each other, but also in the mail was a link from a seminar house in the Peloponnese, just made to the Mani, where these friends named Barbara spent the last winter.
And since I had to do at this time no better anyway waiting for what happens next, clicked that "inspiration" for I continue to get plans on this link and then I looked at the homepage. In the pictures could be seen already, what a wonderful place that dominant, in the olive groves, with stunning sea views and advanced headland, and quietly I beneidetete a little Barbara, she spent last winter there. When I clicked on then the dates for the seminars, I came to a standstill, no wonder ins! On 23 September was held for two weeks, a seminar with a famous writer, with the promising title "Writing as the gods." After I had read the seminar brochure to an end, I was like elektritisiert. That might be a chance to write something yourself to find the necessary techniques and approaches to Kreativiät own, and especially what they have learned to use the inspiration for my future travels, writing and traveling, perhaps a prospect for a new professional life !
Ja es bedarfte noch ein wenig des Nachdenkens, zwei Nächte slept over it for me to decide to participate, even though it was very short notice. By email first had been in contact with the director, promptly obtain a commitment, yes I could still join them, booked a flight and about a week later I was sitting on the flight to Kalamata, the closest major city from the place where took place the seminar.
It was exciting, exhausting, relaxing, enlightening, changing, inspiring, amazing, oh the list could continue for long. We were a motley crew of 12 different people and ages, I am the youngest, and one of two men, all else women. They quickly got to know, I could interesting conversations including a philosopher, got positive feedback on my written texts, tips and experiences from the publishing business and author.
short, have two weeks paid off in many ways, we have arrived as strangers and have heartily adopted as good friends. I am personally flown with a more than positive feeling back to Germany, to a sense have something that I had not yet on the way, and I mean nothing you can pack into a backpack! Rounding
was the whole day by the sunny weather, magnificent views, the hours at sea, a day trip to Messenia under the direction a German archaeologist, the warm starry nights, good food and wine, and many other small and big joys of life in Greece.
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