Currently, we know hardly where to begin, so much is happening around the world. Today I want to start with a few personal thoughts on the events that happen in the world, only to find a transition to my current life and its developments.
watch any of the somewhat with, open awareness through the world and is observed, we can see are in a special quality of time.
On the one hand, our fast-paced, technocratic welfare society is becoming ever more to gain momentum, ever newer technologies, more and more stimuli, so that more and more demands on the modern man who is trying in this fast-paced to keep track.
On the other hand, it makes this Internet age possible, we can know within a few clicks on various blogs, homepages and Videoportalenn, all about new truths or enlightenment, of secret U.S. embassy dispatches up to the discovery of a new bacterium in a lake California by NASA, the phosphorus instead of arsenic (Gift!) mitaufnimmt in its DNA structure and thus lives, an entirely new picture on the origin of life, throws decades of convictions thrown over board.
Obviously it so much that the date as usual, correctly, scientifically proven, was considered politically correct, must be rethought. Normal citizens are living in their familiar environment, with the apparent safety of a bourgeois world view which was shaped over the centuries by science, religion, politics and media, begins now to question much of what was seen as normal and,,!
And this can I be my view, no coincidence when you try to see everything in a general context! So I've
my transition from the great world stage on my little modest life, namely the statement with an open, wakeful consciousness to go through the world, and to question, especially, existing! This premise was one of my personal Bewegründe initiate change in the autumn of last year, "observe" after years and recognize, too, to question old first, then leave it and try something new. This new, this departure into the unknown for me was at that time associated with traveling.
Now it is but so, which has since so has been some time passed, I saw a lot, felt and experienced, have talked a lot, especially lately with more people in Germany about my current life. And I realized that there certainly are very critical opinions. This is a good thing! It was clear to me from the beginning, so I set myself to take on this, and would also to some extent ! Polarize In order to counteract a certain form as a mirror, so that everyone in this polarity reflect his own, perhaps even questioning can! Only now the wrong impression, I am anything but an apostle or missionary, even from my very own conviction of character to me is any kind of missionary work far to deny myself against all forms of ideological proselytizing, especially religious in nature!
Anyway, now I'm asking myself the first time "mirroring" I have received, and reflect on my current travel life.
A conversation a few days ago a friend gave me a glass of beer but to think much. His statement was, in short, if I to the possibility would always return to my "base" in Germany in order then to live there comfortably and without additional cost to get new travel ideas, imagine, then I would not be a long time in history the way, yes, he said, it would have I make very different thoughts, would be perhaps even a social event (Hartz IV), since all the money was squandered, or should any unpopular job at all come to accept just so to make ends meet!
First of all, I can not hear out of a concern to slip, which in turn speaks to him as a friend, and I am pleased, on the other hand, I say it quite clearly, my dear, if you have the previously conceived in this way, you have absolutely nothing of the recognized what I was doing from the beginning and still is!
Now of course I imagine even now and then the question of external effects, what can be wrong, and am now done with this entry, the effort to bring a little more light into the dark, notes for my decisions, my motives to give, not to justify, no, considering the initially described, in the context of a special present time the (new) truths.
The first impulse is to me, and I've actually tried all of my previous posts to solve is the difficulty of experiences, thoughts, Sensations which we encountered in the outside to handle internally to prepare intellectually and then in the form of words for a wide audience to express that it is understandable, entertaining and at times is profound. In my eyes there is a first language restriction, because you can do try to pack a lot into words, but sometimes it is very rudimentary, reflecting what has been perceived within.
is the second, which focuses on the motivations for the trip from the beginning again changed, and still does, I'll go so far as to say at the beginning it was mostly outside, nature, new countries, people, etc., is now it more and more towards an inner journey, where of course the exterior nachwievor is very important (as in the outside, so inside. As Above, So Below)
not the material wealth is our goal, as we after we die anyway have to leave everything but the personal development of consciousness .
(from a blog)
The third and last one I have always tried, and I kommunziert so also for "outside", to show my feelings, my intuition or my heart (there is new research which, it in the heart tatsächlihch is a similar neuronal structure as in the brain to hear).
And above all, on the way to respond to the circumstances, each containing Day is new and unexpected. Taking into account these two points, is much easier to understand, I think.
A few examples: my job at the hotel in Tokyo, I get just because I announced I had to decide quickly, and the first job, which was not easy but in retrospect was absolutely right. After my stay at the monastery, I was for a cash check very quickly became clear, unfortunately, really unfortunately, it is not enough for a long stay in Japan. After the first few weeks by bicycle through Germany this summer, many pleasant encounters and changing landscapes, but I could also see how difficult it is every night and every morning to build up and everything, especially if you traveling alone, and how far it is still to the north of Sweden really pristine nature. It was a daily balancing process between cost, effort, weather, motivation, and the question of what comes next! Nevertheless, I do not want to miss this weeks experience, these things were other pieces in the great mystery, and then came back to new.
The well-known travel writer Andrew Altman wrote in his latest book:
"It occurs to me that is one of the motivations for travel, the desire to leave what we know already, just what one is familiar, so often ermüdetet, have not been great. The desire gnaws the shifting sands of repetition to escape. And it heads off to the visit, which is strange, unfamiliar. "
see this quote echoing I use this blog in its form as an online day / Travelogue as my medium of expression for the unknown, unknown, for all existing and all future, for the Reports from the road and strengthen the internal and external developments in me and the world around me, always with an open heart and mind awake!
After almost a year I had to mention this important time, virtually the first résumé. Much Plan ahead and advertise I would not still propagated, also increases the excitement and curiosity of readers interested in what's to come, but one can I say now, already, the next report will be packed again more from the world with strange and funny. In two days, my flight goes to India!
Enough words for today. Fits to the end a quote from Lao-tzu:
. "Those that know do not speak Those who speak do not know"
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