Monday, January 31, 2011

Bells Palsey Alchoholics

finally grown up!

As it seems many of you know I had my birthday on Saturday 29 January. congratulates I wanted to thank all those who love me that way. If I every individual would have written back, I would sit well next week, still working J . I was really pleased with the very many congratulations and I have read every single one.

I had a great evening at dinner with my friends. By the way I am now 21 years old. What is in Germany not so much, I opened all the doors in the U.S. and makes me an adult.

We also have two new roommates in our apartment. My roommates have bought two snakes that live now in a terrarium with us. There are small "Bloodred" but they are even larger with time. Fortunately, I'm not afraid of that or something.

In my theater class on Monday we had a cool Guestspeeker: Pauley Perrette, the star of the TV series NCIS. Maybe they know one or the other. I knew them by sight, but the show I've looked at before. I'm curious to see who my professor invites still do and then actually comes wrer: finally, the stars have already spend a lot of time without being paid for it.

Swimming is now getting serious. Next weekend we have two Duel Meets from Berkeley and Stanford. Both cities are in California, so we have to fly over an hour and then go from one to the other city by bus. Both colleges are very strong and it will be a great challenge for us. In Berkeley, for example, floats Nathan Adrian (gold medal winners in Beijing with the 4x100 freestyle relay). But it is not only good individuals that play a role in such Meets, but each and every swimmer can make the difference. It's the same with German Team Championships .

A month later we have the Pac10. The are all solids, which are grouped in the "District" Pac. The Pac10 has the best level, because the universities are best swimming on the west coast.

All the people who still have no standard time for the NCAA in late March, are preparing specifically for the Pac10. The plan is that even as many as possible qualify for the NCAA and thus can strengthen our team. For every man will bring more points.

According to the NCAA will be changed. The college season is over then, driving many home and train there. I will stay here and prepare myself with the pros at the German championships.

This was a small seasonal overview. It now everything will go very quickly, so you have to stay healthy and take every training session. Also, I now try to write good notes, so I when I travel a lot, have not too great a disadvantage.

Greetings from Los Angeles


Unfortunately not a good quality

Monday, January 24, 2011

My 11 Month Old Has A Cold And Vomiting

carrot and stick

Dear diary,

the last week has gone really great for me. UNITECHNIK it was almost like in the holidays. Because of the holiday on Monday is my day off even the most demanding disappeared (almost our entire Team has spent the day at the beach in Malibu). Since classes on Tuesday and Thursday for me, I was in terms of the study, not very busy.

this I had the feeling that everything comes back sooner or later - this time the training was very demanding. Now I train every morning and afternoon with Ous Mellouli, and you can imagine you sure that you always swim in sixth gear in order to keep up with an Olympic champion or not to drop too far. I had the feeling that my coach saw that he us almost the entire week rather shooed has, so there were two units in which trained only a few sprints off, a couple of season change and sometimes even water polo has been played. True to the principle of carrots and sticks.

was the last workout of the week then geballert course again, but I am very happy with the week. So this might work.

On Wednesday I received from one of my roommates my early birthday gift. He took me to my first NBA game to the Los Angeles Staples Center downtown. Los Angeles Clippers (which by the way the German Chris Kaman played) against the Minnesota Timberwolves. The Clippers have won, and Blake Griffin has made the dunk of the evening. A really cool experience. My next game will be determined but the Lakers are J .

I have also learned that one the saying "a blessing in disguise" can also use the other way around. When I read the invitation of the German Sports Aid for the "Ball des Sports 2011 'this week in my mailbox, I thought first:" Oh how cool that I am invited to this event again. "One second later I realized that I have to this ball in February, unfortunately, can not walk and was forced to cancel.

By 2009 I was invited to the ball of the sport. This was truly a memorable evening and a great experience. It has something special when all German sports stars find themselves together and can be one of them.

I wish you a relaxing evening,

until next Monday


PS Everyone who I really like the car brand Aston Martin and the singer Drake should click here ...

C hase Bloch and I at the NBA game at Staples Center

Sunday, January 23, 2011

What Shoes Suit Chiffon

But still winter ...

with my weekend visit Dorte and Marius I was today at the conclusion still on the bow-Vision Trail near Alfeld.

Gosh, is there really still winter - however, see the last post from Collenberg from a week ago ...

were stretched all three of us, although I was once just after the opening of the new site, my two guests did not even know the new bow-Vision.

we were not disappointed, but there are a large number of beautiful shots, even a high level - in addition to the disk 1 - was installed on a movable sow.
varied and tricky Targets in a beautiful forest ...

Here are the best impressions of this Sunday morning ...

A great course to visit a nice, cozy, harmonious and rich wild weekend - with good friends and fine port wine.

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Interval International Best Resort

Vipassana Retreat

the last week I am back. As long as I needed to now to be able to report on recovery, and even though it was quiet enough there. There was a 10 day meditation retreat. Vipassana is one of the oldest Meditatinostechniken India, and goes back to Buddha. In principle, it is all just sit and look, only look! A very deep and rich experience of privation, for life. Man
the first 3 days his breathing gets in the nostrils so as to observe his mind "razor sharp to make. On 4 Then the actual day begins Vipassana technique. starting from the top, you learn every day a portion of his Koerpres consider, consider, or only as Mr. Goenka always said, "observe, observe just". The idea behind it is the that every Koerperempfindung, no matter what, whether itch to scratch, heat, cold, pulse, etc. is transient and is connected to our subconscious. If you have understood and then learn that everything in the body, the interior rises again passes, it is not difficult to carry over to the "outside" and thus be appreciated that all that one of suffering, pain, grief, anger, Enttaueschung etc. in life widerfaehrt again passes, then why should adhere to something which is only transient anyway?
By so his body from head to toe and vice versa scanned again to respect the feelings, but does not identify with them, recognize that they gradually pass away again, including pain which occurs probably in all different parts of the body after a few days. The most important is to develop over time a spirit of "indifference" towards these sentiments, and to transfer responsibility to exercise and endurance over time this indifference to his life, and therefore for himself and his surroundings to make a lot easier! Thus the theory that teaching every day of cassette from taking place.
And so, in my case, I can say that the days of pain in his left knee after about 5 more refined, so finally almost was no longer perceptible.
comes to the whole or the "noble silence" So the noble silence, the whole nine days anhaehlt. The does anyone talk with others (except the teachers), no eye contact, hand signals or other types of communication. One should give his mind not a "new food" and let it all come to rest, so to rise gradually, the old "pollution" from the unconscious, consider and will make!
And yes it can rise a lot, in a case of a Frenchman as much pollution he jumped up and nachvorne to the teacher walked him shook. Vipassana shakes the old mud, you have to know beforehand. This was luckily the only "incident" so that on 10 Day when the noble silence is lifted, to see everywhere happy and smiling faces were. For

I could personally I clarify in these 10 days, some within and take most importantly to the "normal life" because what it ultimately filed for this period, a Traninigscamp cope better with the trials and tribulations of an increasingly hectic world and its driven people deal to be left to raise his equanimity, and finally the knowledge of how things really are (that is impermanent!), which is the translation of the Pali word "Vipassana".

In this sense I wish all readers have a blessed and peaceful year 2011!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Life Span Of Chicken Pox Virus

No university thanks to Martin Luther King


I am yesterday morning from Dallas , Texas, arrived back in LA and was really glad that I still had the whole day before me. But we do let a week pass through from the beginning. announced

Like last week, the university has started again on Monday. My second semester is also my last as a freshman. I am very satisfied with my schedule (I'll could make me more or less even). Monday is by far my longest Uni-day, my last lecture ends at 21.50 clock.

follows to this day, then relax without first university and "only" twice with training. Wednesday is a bit more employment then announced: Uni about three hours, but that no afternoon session. Thursday only a half hour university. And Friday, it'll be back around two hours. So, I'm really pleased.

My courses are: Entertainment, Business and Media in Today's Society, Writing 120 (Writing next semester then follows 140 and I am therefore ready), American and California history and Climate Change.

the weekend had the SMU Dallas invited to a Swim Meet. It was a really cool race because he was different than the others. There are six teams invited. Each team is allowed to take only eight swimmers and one diver, each swimmer only three times per allowed to swim section. And the pool has only six lanes.

was floated on Friday and Saturday from 19.30 bis 21.00 clock. After each race, followed by five minutes of rest, so the swimmers could swim a little loose. Each team had to make two athletes per race, there was A-and B-runs.

We have fought very bravely and sell expensive. Although we were only third with 300 points (the winner had 318 points, the second 302), but we need not hide it, because the front teams all have a pity have taken and we have set out only in swimming trunks. The only competitor who is taken up in swimwear, we have clearly dominated.

I liked the atmosphere in the team very much, because everyone is gone at the start and had the will to win, even if it was a disadvantage. The fact that it will not quite make it in the end was a pity, but as already said, we have earned respect and recognition as a team.

I personally was also a pretty good result for me to achieve over 200 freestyle. With the other Race, I was less happy, but I am glad that the coach has taken mmich, and I draw my conclusions from each race.

Tomorrow is the holiday of Martin Luther King Jr., which means that we do not have Uni and "only" once water training and once in strength training.

I'll probably spend my day at the beach in Malibu again (like today J ).

I wish you a wonderful week.


PS: I almost forgot it. Thomas Rupprath in the jungle camp on RTL. Unfortunately, I could look at me any videos or the like, but I hope I still find funny videos of him.

Speaking of funny videos, I recently discovered an ... click here

from left: David Salo, Chase Block, I, Jack Wagner, Vladimir Morozov, Clement Lefert, Dilon Conoly, Alex Landrum, Steven Star, Patrick White

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Does Naruto Lose Feelings For Sakura

winter break ...

Today was the first really sunny and warm day since forever, Marius and I took advantage of the good weather for a Sunday visit to Colle mountain ...

After the thaw and the heavy rains the last time the otherwise leisurely Main stepped far beyond its shores. The road from Kreuzwertheim to Colle mountain was completely blocked due to flooding, I had to switch to the left main page and Wertheim - go Freudenberg.

Geiles Ding so Navi ...

Even the small creek runs through the course was gone over, the shot prevented the beaver, the peg for the Dino you were not ...

bears ...

more disabilities, there was no more, a sunlit and good walk-course expected us.

as beautiful as the weather, so beautiful it was when shooting - cozy and gleefully filming our lap, there was Bratwurschtgeheck and Weggla for lunch, we met more than we took over - not bad for the first Colle Berger this year.

Beautiful pictures of a sunny day ...

When winter takes a break, goes out ...

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Mechadoll Testbericht

Happy New Year 2011

Hello my friends,

reported after three weeks I am on my blog again and will report back regularly.

There is much to tell. But first I hope you have a beautiful Christmas season spent in harmony with your families and that the new year has started well for you.

After I published my last post 2010, I went straight to the airport and I have opened the way home. I could not wait to hug my girlfriend and my mother again and press, and is about to be very particular longing. When I got home, everything happened to me, I had never been away. Everything was so like and yet so fresh in my memory as if I came back only by a two-week training camp.

I the holiday season with Christmas market, the family reunion and shopping spree've really enjoyed. The Christmas festival was celebrated very comfortable with the family. On 25 December, I went with my girlfriend and her family for three days after the Ischgl skiing. It was really really nice and I enjoyed it very much. And in retrospect, the best course, was that I did not hurt me J

The remaining time is unter flying by, and before I was giving me was already 31 and my flight back to LA was the very next morning.

Looking back I can say because I have spent the time at home and really want me, but also gutgetan my family very much. I'm looking forward to the summer when I can certainly longer than ten days to stay home.

Once in LA, we went on 2 January directly the week-long training camp in Laguna Beach. There the Trojans and the College team have trained together.

began at 8 clock the day with two hours of water training, followed on 3 x 40 minute land training. Once a strength, then various stabilization and coordination tasks, and then another 40 minutes of football (which often times were plated). This training day was completed by 13 of the clock, and the rest of the day had been released. After the first day had all been animal muscle, which continued until the end of the week. The whole week was of course very difficult, but it was also the goal of the whole.

At the end of the training camp we had on Saturday a Duel Meet with Santa Barbara. In this context the times swum only a minor role, for it is clear that come out after such an event does not break the record. The head duel was more important, and I think it is a good thing to swim a race, even if not specifically prepared for this because this is a good workout.

Next week there is a competition in Texas, where only eight men are taken away from our team. I belong to and am really looking forward to the competition. It is probably on Thursday going on, but unfortunately I'm not sure of the whole event. Next week you'll certainly be able to read more about it.

As you at the school, is tomorrow at my university release. I'm excited about my new classes and professors. Now that I know how the wind blows, it is certainly easier for me to grasp from the beginning of the foot in the university and to do better.

I greet you all and hope you did not tell me about the Christmas holidays Forgot

your Dima

before I Pardoramahütte in Ischgl