reported after three weeks I am on my blog again and will report back regularly.
There is much to tell. But first I hope you have a beautiful Christmas season spent in harmony with your families and that the new year has started well for you.
After I published my last post 2010, I went straight to the airport and I have opened the way home. I could not wait to hug my girlfriend and my mother again and press, and is about to be very particular longing. When I got home, everything happened to me, I had never been away. Everything was so like and yet so fresh in my memory as if I came back only by a two-week training camp.
I the holiday season with Christmas market, the family reunion and shopping spree've really enjoyed. The Christmas festival was celebrated very comfortable with the family. On 25 December, I went with my girlfriend and her family for three days after the Ischgl skiing. It was really really nice and I enjoyed it very much. And in retrospect, the best course, was that I did not hurt me J
The remaining time is unter flying by, and before I was giving me was already 31 and my flight back to LA was the very next morning.
Looking back I can say because I have spent the time at home and really want me, but also gutgetan my family very much. I'm looking forward to the summer when I can certainly longer than ten days to stay home.
Once in LA, we went on 2 January directly the week-long training camp in Laguna Beach. There the Trojans and the College team have trained together.
began at 8 clock the day with two hours of water training, followed on 3 x 40 minute land training. Once a strength, then various stabilization and coordination tasks, and then another 40 minutes of football (which often times were plated). This training day was completed by 13 of the clock, and the rest of the day had been released. After the first day had all been animal muscle, which continued until the end of the week. The whole week was of course very difficult, but it was also the goal of the whole.
At the end of the training camp we had on Saturday a Duel Meet with Santa Barbara. In this context the times swum only a minor role, for it is clear that come out after such an event does not break the record. The head duel was more important, and I think it is a good thing to swim a race, even if not specifically prepared for this because this is a good workout.
Next week there is a competition in Texas, where only eight men are taken away from our team. I belong to and am really looking forward to the competition. It is probably on Thursday going on, but unfortunately I'm not sure of the whole event. Next week you'll certainly be able to read more about it.
As you at the school, is tomorrow at my university release. I'm excited about my new classes and professors. Now that I know how the wind blows, it is certainly easier for me to grasp from the beginning of the foot in the university and to do better.
I greet you all and hope you did not tell me about the Christmas holidays Forgot
your Dima
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