Vipassana Retreat
the last week I am back. As long as I needed to now to be able to report on recovery, and even though it was quiet enough there. There was a 10 day meditation retreat. Vipassana is one of the oldest Meditatinostechniken India, and goes back to Buddha. In principle, it is all just sit and look, only look! A very deep and rich experience of privation, for life. Man
the first 3 days his breathing gets in the nostrils so as to observe his mind "razor sharp to make. On 4 Then the actual day begins Vipassana technique. starting from the top, you learn every day a portion of his Koerpres consider, consider, or only as Mr. Goenka always said, "observe, observe just". The idea behind it is the that every Koerperempfindung, no matter what, whether itch to scratch, heat, cold, pulse, etc. is transient and is connected to our subconscious. If you have understood and then learn that everything in the body, the interior rises again passes, it is not difficult to carry over to the "outside" and thus be appreciated that all that one of suffering, pain, grief, anger, Enttaueschung etc. in life widerfaehrt again passes, then why should adhere to something which is only transient anyway?
By so his body from head to toe and vice versa scanned again to respect the feelings, but does not identify with them, recognize that they gradually pass away again, including pain which occurs probably in all different parts of the body after a few days. The most important is to develop over time a spirit of "indifference" towards these sentiments, and to transfer responsibility to exercise and endurance over time this indifference to his life, and therefore for himself and his surroundings to make a lot easier! Thus the theory that teaching every day of cassette from taking place.
And so, in my case, I can say that the days of pain in his left knee after about 5 more refined, so finally almost was no longer perceptible.
comes to the whole or the "noble silence" So the noble silence, the whole nine days anhaehlt. The does anyone talk with others (except the teachers), no eye contact, hand signals or other types of communication. One should give his mind not a "new food" and let it all come to rest, so to rise gradually, the old "pollution" from the unconscious, consider and will make!
And yes it can rise a lot, in a case of a Frenchman as much pollution he jumped up and nachvorne to the teacher walked him shook. Vipassana shakes the old mud, you have to know beforehand. This was luckily the only "incident" so that on 10 Day when the noble silence is lifted, to see everywhere happy and smiling faces were. For
I could personally I clarify in these 10 days, some within and take most importantly to the "normal life" because what it ultimately filed for this period, a Traninigscamp cope better with the trials and tribulations of an increasingly hectic world and its driven people deal to be left to raise his equanimity, and finally the knowledge of how things really are (that is impermanent!), which is the translation of the Pali word "Vipassana".
In this sense I wish all readers have a blessed and peaceful year 2011!
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