Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Can You Make Firebricks?

CMap Tools - Concept Mapping Software

Recommendation: ***** Highly recommended
CMap tools is available for all operating systems, and the user interface can be used in many different languages, including German, are shown.

CMap Tools is freeware. The current (December 2008) stable version is 4.18, the version 5.0 is a beta version already exists. To download (63 MB, requires a fast Internet connection!) And additional information visit you http://cmap.ihmc.us/conceptmap.html .

Click on image to enlarge!

CMap Tools is an application for Creating so-called concept maps - German "concept maps " . The picture shows a CMap tools created with concept map that answers the question: "Why should people in socio-educational institutions understand something of project work?" (See the text version here!)

With Concept maps can be organized and displayed knowledge . Concept maps are graphical representations of a field of knowledge and show understanding of the country which cartographer and illustrator of the map area has that knowledge.

Concept maps contain the one essential for the field of knowledge tag - for a small area of knowledge are 15-25 tag usually sufficient, larger areas of knowledge may need more (or for better visibility instead presented with a very big concept with several smaller maps). Second, they show the connections between these concepts - the connections are labeled so that it becomes evident to the way in which concepts are related to each other. A key feature of concept maps is their hierarchical structure - conveniently the most general, comprehensive term is for the top field of knowledge in the map, while the detailed terms are at the bottom. The map is then mainly read from top to bottom.

Concept Mapping 1972 "invented" in the course of research on the learning of children by Joseph D. Novak . It is consistent with findings learning psychology.

With CMap Tools you can simply draw concept map of terms and especially as long as connections and change, correct, and arrange until you have achieved a good content and visual presentation. Naturally it is in this illustration, the shapes, the fonts, colors, the background as you desire.
CMap tools but far more. An important feature is the ability to concept map with strengthen links to other materials: You can refer to images, documents, Internet pages, other concept maps. Clicking on these links will open the appropriate sources. CMap tools help create presentations with which you then "develop" a concept map step by step can. CMap Tools is also network capable and has many opportunities for online collaboration and publishing concept maps over the Internet.

CMap Tools is a very powerful and versatile program. Nevertheless, its basic functions are learned intuitively and by trial and error in 3-4 hours. The program included in the user manual (help file) is currently only available in English, English and Finnish. Interesting supplementary (English) Technical Information can be found at the above web site Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition IHMC which CMap tools developed.

Concept maps draw is a very exciting thing. Anyone with Mind Mapping can not do anything, might have fun with Concept Mapping. It helps to acquire knowledge and trains the mind-intensive. With concept maps to learn to know and think.

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entry last updated on 10 March 2009.


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